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What Actually Happens During a Newborn Session?

Whether you’re thinking about booking a newborn session or already have a date on the books, I'm sure you’re a bit curious about what, exactly, goes on during a newborn session. How do you get those peaceful looking images? How involved are the parents for the shoot itself? Is it actually possible to “pose” an infant? Below I️'m pulling back the curtain about what actually happens during a newborn photography session.

The Heat is Turned Up

It sounds bizarre, but I prefer to set the temperature much higher (about 80 degrees) during a newborn than what you’d normally have it. This helps baby feel warm, comfortable, and — most importantly, sleepy.

I’ll Take Care of All the Poses

You don’t have to come up with poses or image ideas. I’ve got all that covered and know exactly how to set up an image to get great shots. I’ll also take care of all the prop setup and wrapping.

Mom & Dad Help Spot Baby

Though I do most of the work, I definitely need parents’ help during our shoots to help position baby and work with me to help create images.

Safety is Always The First Priority

No matter what, I place your child’s safety above all else. If we need to take a break, we will. If a pose isn’t working, there’s always another one to try.

We Go At Baby's Pace

We're doing our thing and having a photoshoot. But you know what? Someone usually forgets to tell the baby. And that's okay! A full tummy makes a happy baby. I️ suggest feeding baby right before the photo session. If you're coming from more than a half hour away, you are welcome to feed baby as soon as you arrive. I've got a couch just for you! And then you know what happens when a baby eats - they poop and pee. Yep. Sometimes they even poop or pee right on us. And that's okay! We'll change clothes. Change a diaper. Then we're back at it. My longest newborn shoot was about 4 hours. If you've got the time - so do I!

I Have Tricks for Helping Baby Calm Down

I’ve done quite a few newborn sessions in my day, and I have a few tricks up my sleeve to help calm fussy babies. However, in the case of a baby who is very upset, rescheduling is definitely an option.

Sibling Photos Are Done First or Last

I know that having your kids at the shoot for the entire session may be a bit much for them. For that reason, I suggest having sibling poses done either at the beginning or the end of the session, that way they don’t have to stay throughout. Oftentimes, families will choose to drive two cars to the studio for this very reason. So that one parent can stay with baby and the other parent can either bring to or take away siblings from the session.

Composite Images Are Key

I’ll often melt a couple different images into one in order to create the perfect shot. This technique is used by experienced photographers and ensures your newborn images are beautiful. I've got a couple of blog posts on the calendar to show you exactly what this looks like - stay tuned!

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